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Very few people in history have ever summited K2, only about 8% of the number who have summited Everest. Truly a mountaineer’s mountain, the death rate is over 20% for those who attempt it. Record-breaking British climber Jake Meyer, who had already climbed Everest by 21, returned to K2 for the third time, where he finally conquered the world’s second-highest mountain and the tallest in the Karakoram range on the border of China and Pakistan.


Jake reached the 28,251ft summit early morning on Saturday 21st July after a five-day climb from base camp. Extreme weather conditions meant he had to spend two nights at a camp en route up allowing a storm to pass before continuing his journey. Upon reaching the 8,611-meter peak Meyer became the tenth Briton in history to have climbed the second most lethal mountain on earth, before which only nine Britons had ever reached its summit and three of whom died on the descent. Bremont is proud to have supported Jake who wore the S300/BK model on his incredible expedition, having previously put numerous other pieces from the collection through their paces. K2 is the world’s second highest mountain, 239m lower than Everest, but clearly presents a much more significant climbing challenge. This was Jake’s third attempt, after his expeditions in 2009 and 2016 were abandoned due to bad weather conditions.

Sleek, powerful and extremely fast, the Supermarine S6.B was an exceptional aircraft with a significant legacy. Powered by a state of the art Rolls Royce engine and flown by RAF pilots, this record-breaking beast came from the drawing board of legendary aircraft designer R J Mitchell. The S6.B secured glory for Great Britain at the prestigious Schneider Trophy contest in 1931, a victory that only took place thanks to the unusual intervention of an eccentric and outspoken widow. Later that decade, RAF pilots would fly Supermarine aircraft again, this time in defence of British skies.

A delicate winged figure cast in silver swoops down to kiss a zephyr reclining on a silver breaking wave. Bronze octopus and crabs surround the sculpture, atop a sizeable marble mount. This decadent depiction of speed conquering the elements of sea and air sits upon the Schneider Trophy, illustrating what competitors did to win this prestigious award.

Conceived by French financier Jacques Schneider in 1912, the contest was designed to encourage development of commercial air travel. It quickly became about speed. Open to seaplanes and flying boats, entrants competed in time trials over a 217mile course. Any nation to win the race three times in five years would claim the trophy for good and end the contest.

“Bremont watches demonstrate precise British engineering teamed with classic British design. For several years I have dreamed of flying the Union Flag from the summit of K2 and nothing made me prouder than doing so wearing the Bremont S300 on my wrist. K2 is known as the 'savage mountain'; it demands respect and focus. Anyone attempting it must have utter trust in their abilities and in their equipment in the most hostile conditions, and I know that my Bremont will never let me down however much of a pounding I get.”

Bremont Co-Founder, Nick English; “Having completed the Seven Summits by the time he was 21, which includes Everest, is testament to Jake’s phenomenal climbing ability. To now add K2 to his list, the hardest of them all, and something that has taken him 3 attempts to tackle is truly amazing. Not only does Jake not train extensively before these expeditions but he also has a full-time job which makes this accomplishment even more remarkable. Having worked with Jake since Bremont’s very early days it brings great pleasure to see him enjoying our timepieces and putting them to good use in such hostile environments.”

In June 2005, at the age of 21, Jake stood on the summit of Mount Everest and achieved his dream of becoming the youngest man in the world to complete the Seven Summits (the highest mountain on each continent) and the youngest Briton to climb Everest. Jake also broke the World Record for climbing the 48 highest peaks of Continental USA in the shortest time possible and is now the tenth Briton to add K2 to his impressive list.

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